Chinese Zodiac

Chinese zodiac, or shengxiao (‘born resembling'), is represented by 12 zodiac animals. In order,  they are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

Chinese zodiac years begin/end at Chinese New Year (in January/February). Each year in the repeating zodiac cycle of 12 years is represented by a zodiac animal, each with its reputed attributes.

2024 is the year of the Dragon.

Chinese people believe that a person's horoscope, personality, and love compatibility are closely associated with his/her Chinese zodiac sign, determined by his/her birth year.

Year of the Dragon

2024 is the year of the Dragon.

In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon is a mysterious and sacred creature, regarded as an auspicious symbol. The origin of the Dragon Year can be traced back to ancient Chinese myths. According to legend, among the nine sons of the Yellow Emperor, there was one named Dragon, who was bestowed the title "Dragon King," becoming the symbol of the dragon. The Dragon Year is also referred to as the "Year of the Dragon" in English.

The Dragon ranks fifth among the animals of the Chinese zodiac.